Brittleness and Packing Density Effects on Blast-hole Cuttings Yield of Selected Rocks


  • B. Adebayo Department of Mining Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 1000-1005 | June 2016 |


This paper evaluates brittleness and packing density to analysis their effects on blast-hole cutting yield for three selected rocks in Nigeria. Brittleness test (S20) was carried out in accordance with Norwegian Soil and Rock Engineering and the Brittleness Index (BI) for the selected rocks were estimated. The packing density determined from the photomicrograph of the rock samples. The grain size of 45 blast-holes drill cuttings collected from three selected while drilling of these rocks were determined using standard method of America Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 2487. The brittleness values are 50%, 44% and 42% for micro granite, porphyritic granite and medium biotite granite respectively. The result of BI varied from 10.32 – 11.59 and they are rated as moderately brittle rocks. The values of packing density varied from 92.20 – 94.55%, 91.00 -92.96% and 92.92 – 94.96% for all the rocks. The maximum weights of blast-hole particle size retained at 75 µm are 106.00g, 103.28 g and 99.76 g for medium biotite granite, micro granite and porhyritic granite respectively. Packing density values have correlation to some extent with (S20) values hence, this influence the yield of blast-hole cuttings as drilling progresses. The minimum weight of blast-hole cuttings particle size retained at 150 µm agrees with brittleness index classification for micro granite.


blast-hole, cuttings, yield, brittle, index, density


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How to Cite

Adebayo, B. 2016. Brittleness and Packing Density Effects on Blast-hole Cuttings Yield of Selected Rocks. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 6, 3 (Jun. 2016), 1000–1005. DOI:


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