An Innovative Approach to Cardiovascular Disease Prediction: A Hybrid Deep Learning Model


  • Priyanka Dhaka University School of Information and Communication Technology, GGSIPU, India | Maharaja Surajmal Institute, India
  • Ruchi Sehrawat University School of Information and Communication Technology, GGSIPU, India
  • Priyanka Bhutani University School of Information and Communication Technology, GGSIPU, India
Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 12396-12403 | December 2023 |


The increasing prevalence of cardiovascular disorders has created an imperative need for accurate diagnoses. Despite the emergence of numerous techniques for disease classification and secure data transmission, a prevailing shortcoming is the lack of precision in decision-making. This study aimed to address this critical issue by introducing an innovative disease prediction model that uses a hybrid classifier. The proposed hybrid classifier combined deep Bidirectional Long-Short-Term Memory (deep Bi LSTM) and deep Convolutional Neural Network (deep CNN).To further improve its performance, the proposed approach employed hybridized swarm optimization to fine-tune fusion parameters and optimize the learning model for enhanced accuracy. This study focused on heart disease as its central concern, strengthening data security through the implementation of Diffi-Huffman based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) during data transmission. The resulting automatic disease prediction model adopted the hybrid deep classifier, which was born from the amalgamation of two components: the interactive hunt-deep CNN classifier and the WoM-deep Bi LSTM. The proposed hybrid learning model achieved impressive accuracy, F-measure, sensitivity, and specificity of 97.716%, 97.848%, 98.021%, and 97.807%, respectively, marking a significant advance in the realm of cardiovascular disease prediction.


cardiovascular disease prediction, elliptic curve cryptography, interactive hunt-deep CNN, WoM-deep bi LSTM, Diffi-Huffman


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How to Cite

Dhaka , P., Sehrawat, R. and Bhutani, P. 2023. An Innovative Approach to Cardiovascular Disease Prediction: A Hybrid Deep Learning Model. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 6 (Dec. 2023), 12396–12403. DOI:


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