About the Automation of an Autonomous Sail-propelled Search Drone


Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 12334-12341 | December 2023 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6502


The paper presents the prototype of an autonomous sail-propelled vehicle, powered by sails and equipped with mini solar panels, intended for the surveillance of maritime space. Hardware and software aspects regarding the automation of this unmanned boat are addressed. Conceptual solutions have been identified to ensure short manufacturing times, component accessibility (price and availability on the free market), and high system reliability. The paper proposes an original solution to respond to at least two imperative needs: the safety and security of commercial and military navigation in the Black Sea area (faced with a tense geo-political climate) and the increased need to integrate European and global policies on reducing pollution and promoting renewable energy principles.


Arduino, autonomous vehicle, microcontroller, WiFi modul, photovoltaic cell


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How to Cite

Cristea, O., Popa, N.-S., Manea, M.-G. and Popa, C. 2023. About the Automation of an Autonomous Sail-propelled Search Drone. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 6 (Dec. 2023), 12334–12341. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6502.


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