The Impact of Injection/Pumping Wells on the Pollution Transport in Groundwater


  • Walid Mohamed Abdel-Samad Khalifa Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ha’il University, Saudi Arabia | Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt
  • Belkacem Achour Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ha’il University, Saudi Arabia
  • Tayyab Butt Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ha’il University, Saudi Arabia
  • Cirrus Mirza Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ha’il University, Saudi Arabia
  • Heba Salah Khatib & Alami, Egypt
  • Sherif El-Didy Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
Volume: 14 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 12918-12924 | February 2024 |


The natural quality of groundwater tends to be degraded by industry, agriculture, and wastewater. There are several alternatives to prevent migration and the spread of pollution in groundwater. Some alternatives are physical such as grouting, or slurry walls. Others could be hydrodynamic containment by injection or pumping wells. Injection wells are used to confine a pollutant in place or dilute its concentration by injecting clean water into the aquifer. Pumping wells are used to discharge the pollutants out of the groundwater reservoir or act as interceptors. In this research, the hydraulic characteristics and behavior of the hydrodynamic methods are investigated by using numerical simulation. In this investigation, the numerical model MT3D has been integrally used with the flow model MODFLOW. Injection/pumping rate, screen length and layer, and the number of wells are considered. The results have shown that increasing the rate or the number of injection/pumping wells permits less pollution spread. Changing the screen length of the injection/pumping wells is not effective in preventing pollution from spreading in the long term. Changing the number of wells has more effect on a containment spread. Injection wells can prevent the spread of contaminants more than pumping wells.


groundwater, pollution transport, injection wells, pumping wells, MT3D model, MODFLOW model


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How to Cite

Khalifa, W.M.A.-S., Achour, B., Butt, T., Mirza, C., Salah, H. and El-Didy, S. 2024. The Impact of Injection/Pumping Wells on the Pollution Transport in Groundwater. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 1 (Feb. 2024), 12918–12924. DOI:


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