Design, Manufacturing, and Testing Process of a Lab Scale Test Bench Hybrid Rocket Engine


  • Grigore Cican Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania | National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI, Romania
  • Ionut Florian Popa National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI, Romania
  • Adrian Nicolae Buturache FasterEdu, Romania
  • Andrei Iaroslav Hapenciuc Vanguard Technology Association, Romania
Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 12039-12046 | December 2023 |


The current paper presents the architecture of a test bench for small (laboratory) scale hybrid rocket motors destined for teaching purposes. The sustainability of the proposed methodology is emphasized, as it addresses the development of small-scale hybrid rocket motor test benches, to be used either as didactic means for students or for research laboratories, by using low-cost materials, while preserving efficiency. In this regard, the entire development process is approached, from designing to manufacturing (including the casting of the fuel rod) and testing of the product. The developed product uses a mixture of 88% paraffin, 10% stearic acid, and 2% coal for the solid phase and liquid oxygen for the liquid phase. The testing of the hybrid rocket motor demonstrator was performed outdoors, in controlled conditions. The results showed a good correlation between the theoretical testing parameters with the obtained ones.


test bench, hybrid rocket, manufacturing, propellant


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How to Cite

Cican, G., Popa, I.F., Buturache, A.N. and Hapenciuc , A.I. 2023. Design, Manufacturing, and Testing Process of a Lab Scale Test Bench Hybrid Rocket Engine. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 6 (Dec. 2023), 12039–12046. DOI:


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