A Novel Efficient Dual-Gate Mixed Dilated Convolution Network for Multi-Scale Pedestrian Detection


  • Etikala Raja Vikram Reddy Agnel Charities’ Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology, India
  • Sushil Thale Agnel Charities’ Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology, India
Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 11973-11979 | December 2023 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6340


With the increasing use of onboard high-speed computing systems, vehicle manufacturers are offering significant advanced features of driver assistance systems. Pedestrian detection is one of the major requirements of such systems, which commonly use cameras, radar, and ultrasonic sensors. Image recognition based on captured image streams is one of the powerful tools used for the detection of pedestrians, which exhibits similarities and distinguishing features compared to general object detection. Although pedestrian detection has advanced significantly along with deep learning, some issues still need to be addressed. Pedestrian detection is essential for several real-world applications and is an initial step in outdoor scene analysis. Typically, in a crowded situation, conventional detectors are unable to distinguish persons from each other successfully. This study presents a novel technique, based on the Dual Gate Mixed Dilated Convolution Network, to address this problem by adaptively filtering spatial areas where the patterns are still complicated and require further processing. The proposed technique manages obscured patterns while offering improved multiscale pedestrian recognition accuracy.


deep learning, image recognition, mixed dilated convolution, multiscale pedestrian recognition, spatial regions


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How to Cite

Reddy, E.R.V. and Thale, S. 2023. A Novel Efficient Dual-Gate Mixed Dilated Convolution Network for Multi-Scale Pedestrian Detection. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 6 (Dec. 2023), 11973–11979. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6340.


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