Marshall Asphalt Mix and Superior Performance Asphalt Mix in Oman: A Comparative Study


  • Khalid Al Kaaf Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dhofar University, Oman
  • Victor Tochukwu Ibeabuchi Department of Civil Engineering, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike, Nigeria
Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 12258-12263 | December 2023 |


The mix design procedure used in Superior Performance Asphalt Pavements (Super-pave) was created by the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) in response to the limitations and empirical approach of Marshall methodology. This study aims to compare the Marshall asphalt mixture design method with the Super-pave asphalt mixture design procedures. Locally available aggregates commonly used in asphalt concrete mixtures in Oman were used. The asphalt mixtures were made with aggregate and asphalt-binder with a penetration grade of 60/70 and PG 64-10. Samples from two mixes were made accordingly. Volumetric properties analysis, flow, Marshall stability, and loss of Marshall stability tests were carried out. According to the study findings, the optimum asphalt composition was 4.5% when utilizing the Marshall methodology and 5.5% when using the Super-pave approach. Furthermore, the Super-pave specimens showed less loss of Marshall stability (22.22%) than the Marshall specimen (30.09%).


Super-pave method, Marshall method, volumetric properties, asphalt performance, asphalt mix


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How to Cite

Al Kaaf, K. and Ibeabuchi, V.T. 2023. Marshall Asphalt Mix and Superior Performance Asphalt Mix in Oman: A Comparative Study. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 6 (Dec. 2023), 12258–12263. DOI:


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