Modeling Photovoltaic Power


  • F. Mavromatakis Department of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  • Y. Franghiadakis Department of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  • F. Vignola Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory, University of Oregon, USA
Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 1115-1118 | October 2016 |


A robust and reliable model describing the power produced by a photovoltaic system is needed in order to be able to detect module failures, inverter malfunction, shadowing effects and other factors that may result to energy losses. In addition, a reliable model enables an investor to perform accurate estimates of the system energy production, payback times etc. The model utilizes the global irradiance reaching the plane of the photovoltaic modules since in almost all Photovoltaic (PV) facilities the beam and the diffuse solar irradiances are not recorded. The airmass, the angle of incidence and the efficiency drop due to low values of solar irradiance are taken into account. Currently, the model is validated through the use of high quality data available from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA). The data were acquired with IV tracers while the meteorological conditions were also recorded. Several modules of different technologies were deployed but here we present results from a single crystalline module. The performance of the model is acceptable at a level of 5% despite the assumptions made. The dependence of the residuals upon solar irradiance temperature, airmass and angle of incidence is also explored and future work is described.


Photovoltaic power, modeling, data analysis, spectral effects, low irradiance losses


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How to Cite

Mavromatakis, F., Franghiadakis, Y. and Vignola, F. 2016. Modeling Photovoltaic Power. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 6, 5 (Oct. 2016), 1115–1118. DOI:


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