An Assessment of Testing and Conditiong Protocol to Evaluate Asphalt Mixtures


  • Rabeea W. Bazuhair Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
  • Majed A. Alqahtani Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
Volume: 13 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 11119-11123 | August 2023 |


Asphalt mixtures frequently contain a wide variety of components that may interact. When put into service, they can be damaged due to several factors such as traffic, loading, and environmental impact. Thus, it is necessary to predict or simulate the asphalt mixtures’ damage and performance in service utilizing laboratory conditioning protocols and tests. This paper investigates the property measurements themselves and how a mixture test can simultaneously assess oxidation and moisture damage. In this study, three asphalt mixtures are used with different mixture tests such as Indirect Tensile Tension (IDT), Cantabro Mass Loss (CML), and Hamburg Loaded Wheel Tracking (HLWT). Unaged (control) and two laboratory conditions were utilized to simulate the performance of the mixture in service. The result showed that the laboratory conditioning of the combined effects of oxidation and moisture simulates better the asphalt damages in service than laboratory single environment effect conditioning. The CML test is recommended for the evaluation and capture of these combined damage effects.


warm mix asphalt, laboratory conditions, Sasobit, Rediset LQ1200


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How to Cite

Bazuhair, R.W. and Alqahtani, M.A. 2023. An Assessment of Testing and Conditiong Protocol to Evaluate Asphalt Mixtures. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 4 (Aug. 2023), 11119–11123. DOI:


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