Mechanical Stability Analysis of the External Unilateral Fixation Device due to the Impact of Axial Pressure


  • Nedim Pervan University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Elmedin Mesic University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Adis Muminovic University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Enis Muratovic University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Muamer Delic University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Vahidin Hadziabdic University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Lejla Redzepagic-Vrazalica University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Dentistry with Clinics, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Volume: 13 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 11210-11215 | August 2023 |


This study performed a mechanical stability analysis for the impact of axial pressure on an Ultra X external unilateral fixation device applied to a tibia with an open fracture. The real construction of the fixation device was used to create a 3D geometric model using a Finite Element Method (FEM) model, which was made to perform structural analysis in the CATIA V5 (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) CAD/CAE system. Specific stresses and displacements were observed at points of interest using structural analysis. The focus was on the relative displacements of the proximal and distal bone segments in the fracture zone. These displacements were used to calculate the stiffnesses of the bone in the fracture zone and the fixation device itself. The results obtained provide the necessary information regarding the stability of the Ultra X fixation device.


external unilateral fixation device, specific stresses, relative displacements, stiffness, stability


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How to Cite

Pervan, N., Mesic, E., Muminovic, A., Muratovic, E., Delic, M., Hadziabdic, V. and Redzepagic-Vrazalica, L. 2023. Mechanical Stability Analysis of the External Unilateral Fixation Device due to the Impact of Axial Pressure. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 4 (Aug. 2023), 11210–11215. DOI:


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