Implementation and Evaluation of a Low Speed and Self-Regulating Small Wind Turbine for Urban Areas in South Africa


  • Tshepo Samora Sithole Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Africa, South Africa
  • Lukas Snyman Research and Innovation, Institute for Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability (iNanoWS), University of South Africa, South Africa
  • Vasudeva Rao Veeredhi Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Africa, South Africa
  • Thembelani Sithebe Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Africa, South Africa
Volume: 13 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 10553-10558 | April 2023 |


A low-cost small 500W wind generator was used as a basis for the prototype development. The research was primarily focused on the determination of the type of aerofoil for improved rotor blades and pitch angle, and for adapting the number of blades in order to optimize the power output from the prototype, for low wind-speed inland conditions in Soweto. NACA-4412 type aerofoil was chosen as a departure point for the blade design, and a variation of the maximum pitch angle of 6°, 10°, and 12° at an optimum angle of attack of 5°, 7°, and 9° were implemented respectively for Designs 1, 2 and 3. With the Soweto area having an average wind speed of 2.3m/s (8.28km/h), 3-, 5-, and 7-blade sets were subsequently developed, implemented, and tested. Prototype 1 produced a maximum output power of 8.2W at 4.2km/h wind speed. Prototype 2 yielded a maximum output power of 12.5W at 4.2km/h, and Prototype 3, generated a very useful power output of 39.5W during testing. The maximum power output was achieved at an average wind speed of 1.17m/s (4.2km/h). Moreover, the developed prototype designs were also tested for self-regulation in case of high-speed gust conditions. Prototype 3, with a 12° maximum pitch angle during operation in high gust conditions, had its blades control high speed. A drawback pressure occurred on the back side of the blades and tangent drag was developed normally to the blade rotation direction, consequently limiting the maximum speed of the rotor and acting as a self-regulation mechanism with regard to maximum achievable speed. The other two designs suffered from over-speeding tendencies in high gust speed conditions, also causing noise and turbulence.


SWT design prototypes, self regulation, experimental results


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How to Cite

Sithole, T.S., Snyman, L., Veeredhi, V.R. and Sithebe, T. 2023. Implementation and Evaluation of a Low Speed and Self-Regulating Small Wind Turbine for Urban Areas in South Africa. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 2 (Apr. 2023), 10553–10558. DOI:


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