An Experimental Study of the Influence of Carburizing Treatment Holding Time on the Structure and Hardness of 16NC6 Steel


  • Selma Baali Department of Mechanical Engineering, Med Boudiaf University, Algeria | Laboratory of Materials and Mechanics of Structure (LMMS), University of M'sila, Algeria
  • Younes Benarioua Department of Mechanical Engineering, Med Boudiaf University, Algeria
  • Aaboubaker Essaddiq Mazouz L2GEGI Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Tiaret, Algeria
Volume: 13 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 10478-10482 | April 2023 |


Low carbon steel with carbon content ranging from 0.15% to 0.3% cannot be hardened through quenching and tempering processes and there is little to no martensitic transformation occurring upon quenching. To improve the surface hardness, carburizing is commonly employed. Through this treatment, the surface composition of the low-carbon steel is altered by the diffusion of carbon, resulting in a hard outer casing with good wear resistance. This work investigates the effect of the carburizing treatment temperature and holding time on the crystallographic structure, hardness, and hardened surface layer dimension of commercial low-carbon steel 16NC6. The steel was carburized at 900°C for different holding times of 1, 2, and 3 hours. After the carburizing and quenching processes, the hardness values and the morphology of the crystallographic structure were measured and characterized.


carburizing, quenching, low carbon steel, structure, hardness


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How to Cite

Baali, S., Benarioua, Y. and Mazouz, A.E. 2023. An Experimental Study of the Influence of Carburizing Treatment Holding Time on the Structure and Hardness of 16NC6 Steel. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 2 (Apr. 2023), 10478–10482. DOI:


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