Best Fit versus Default Distribution and the Impact on the Reliability over the Design Lifetime of Hydraulic Structures


  • Farida Krimil Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Department, Sciences and Technology Faculty, University of Mohamed Khider Biskra, Algeria
  • Nora Bouchahm Technical and Scientific Center on Arid Regions, CRSTRA, Algeria
  • Fatima Zohra Tebbi Natural Hazards and Territory Planning Laboratory (LRNAT), Earth Sciences and Universe Institute, University of Mustapha Benboulaid Batna 2, Algeria
Volume: 13 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 10175-10180 | February 2023 |


In the present study, Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA) is performed on the daily inflows of a reservoir dam taken as a case study. The Peaks-Over-Threshold (POT) approach was adopted. A comparison between the default generalized Pareto distribution and the best distribution fitted to the data has been carried out. After the risk analysis, the reliability of the structure decreases to 25.60% for the chosen threshold values if the best distribution is adopted instead of the default fit.


flood frequency analysis, peaks-over-threshold, Pareto distribution, best fit, risk analysis


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How to Cite

Krimil, F., Bouchahm, N. and Tebbi, F.Z. 2023. Best Fit versus Default Distribution and the Impact on the Reliability over the Design Lifetime of Hydraulic Structures. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 1 (Feb. 2023), 10175–10180. DOI:


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