Control Design for the Ward–Leonard System in Wind Turbines


  • Huy Hai Bui Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Technology University of Economics - Technology for Industries, Vietnam
Volume: 13 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 9968-9972 | February 2023 |


A robust optimal controller for the Ward-Leonard system in a wind turbine is used to meet the performance and stability requirements when the system parameters change. However, designing according to the robust optimal method often leads to a high-order controller. This study investigated the application of order reduction algorithms to simplify the controller and help it better meet the real control problem. Comparative evaluation of the order reduction controller methods showed that the second-order reduction controller according to Moore's balanced truncation algorithm was the most suitable to replace the higher-order controller. The step response quality of the system was better when using a second-order reduction controller than a higher-order controller.


wind tube system, model order reduction, Ward–Leonard system, robust optimal control


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How to Cite

Bui, H.H. 2023. Control Design for the Ward–Leonard System in Wind Turbines. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 1 (Feb. 2023), 9968–9972. DOI:


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