Artificial Bee Colony with Crossover Operations for Discrete Problems


  • A. H. Alaidi Programming Department, Computer Science and Information Technology College, Wasit University, Iraq
  • S. D. Chen College of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia
  • Υ. Weng Leong College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia
Volume: 12 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 9510-9514 | December 2022 |


The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is an algorithm designed to solve continuous problems. ABC has been proven to be more effective than other biological-inspired algorithms. However, it is needed to modify its functionality in order to solve a discrete problem. In this work, a natural modification to the original ABC is made to make it able to solve discrete problems. Six neighborhood operators are proposed to simulate the original behavior of ABC. Moreover, several Traveling Salesman Problem Library (TSPLIB) problems were used to examine the proposed method. The results of the proposed method are promising.


TSP, Artificial Bee Colony, discrete problem


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How to Cite

Alaidi, A.H., Chen, S.D. and Weng Leong Υ. 2022. Artificial Bee Colony with Crossover Operations for Discrete Problems. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 6 (Dec. 2022), 9510–9514. DOI:


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