Constellation and Mapping Optimization of APSK Modulations used in DVB-S2


  • L. Jordanova Department of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
  • L. Laskov Department of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
  • D. Dobrev Department of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Volume: 4 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 690-695 | October 2014 |


This article represents the algorithms of APSK constellation and mapping optimization. The dependencies of the symbol error probability Ps on the parameters of the 16APSK and 32APSK constellations are examined and several options that satisfy the requirements to the minimum value of Ps  are selected. Mapping optimization is carried out for the selected APSK constellations. BER characteristics of the satellite DVB-S2 channels are represented when using optimized and standard 16APSK and 32APSK constellations and a comparative analysis of the results achieved is made.


satellite DVB channel, M-ary APSK constellation and mapping, concateneted BCH-LDPC codes, BER, SER, Eb /N0, QEF reception


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How to Cite

Jordanova, L., Laskov, L. and Dobrev, D. 2014. Constellation and Mapping Optimization of APSK Modulations used in DVB-S2. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 4, 5 (Oct. 2014), 690–695. DOI:


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