A Comparative Study on Hybrid Vibration Control of Base-isolated Buildings Equipped with ATMD



The vibration control for building structures using hybrid control (base isolators BI and Active Tuned Mass Dampers-ATMDs) has attracted the attention of researchers. This paper establishes a hybrid vibration control system of structure and compares structural response and active tuned mass damper performance among the structure using two different control algorithms (PID and LQR). Through simulation research, from the comparative analysis of performance indexes of structural response and ATMD performance, it is concluded that the LQR controller outperforms the PID controller in reducing the structural responses.


PID control, LQR Control, hybrid control, base isolation, ATMD


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How to Cite

Jaballah, M.S., Harzallah, S. and Nail, B. 2022. A Comparative Study on Hybrid Vibration Control of Base-isolated Buildings Equipped with ATMD. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 3 (Jun. 2022), 8652–8657. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.4958.


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