Modeling and Comparison of Fuzzy-PI and Genetic Control Algorithms for Active and Reactive Power Flow between the Stator (DFIG) and the Grid


  • A. Guediri Faculty of Technology, VTRS Laboratory, The University of El Oued, Algeria
  • A. Guediri Faculty of Technology, VTRS Laboratory, The University of El Oued, Algeria
  • S. Touil Faculty of Technology, VTRS Laboratory, The University of El Oued, Algeria


This paper performs a comparison between Fuzzy-PI regulators and Genetic Algorithm (GA) for controlling an active and reactive Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) for providing power to the electrical grid. Theoretical analysis, modeling, and simulation studies are provided. Control strategies were developed for both active and reactive forces in order to optimize energy production. The performance of the two control strategies was examined and compared using benchmarks for durability and reference traceability. This paper studied a system consisting of a wind turbine operating at variable wind speed and a two-feed asynchronous machine (DFIG) connected to the grid by the stator and fed by a transducer at the side of the rotor. The conductors were separately controlled for active and reactive power flow between the stator (DFIG) and the grid, which was achieved in this article using conventional PI and fuzzy logic controllers. The considered controllers generated reference voltages for the rotor to ensure that the active and reactive power reached the required reference values. This was done in order to ensure effective tracking of the optimum operating point and the maximum output of electrical power. System modeling and simulation were examined in Matlab/Simulink. Dynamic analysis of the system was performed under variable wind speed.


Genetic Algorithm (GA), Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), variable speed wind turbine, conventional PI controller, fuzzy logic controller (FC), Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)


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How to Cite

Guediri, A., Guediri, A. and Touil, S. 2022. Modeling and Comparison of Fuzzy-PI and Genetic Control Algorithms for Active and Reactive Power Flow between the Stator (DFIG) and the Grid. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 3 (Jun. 2022), 8640–8645. DOI:


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