Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Microgrid with Energy Management


  • M. A. Khlifi Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia | SIME Laboratory, ENSIT, University of Tunis, Tunisia
  • A. Alkassem Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia
  • A. Draou Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia


In a hybrid microgrid system, various renewable energy resources may be integrated and modeled on-site, in such a way as to provide an optimal, consistent, and sustainable energy production at a cost-effective rate throughout the year. In this paper, a microgrid prototype consisting of a wind turbine and a photovoltaic (PV) panel is modeled and thoroughly investigated through various changes in inputs. The long-term goal of this work in IUM is to develop a concise and complete microgrid system model that can be used to simulate and fully understand its behavior and operation. The proposed model including power sources, power electronic converters, and load has been modeled in MATLAB/Simulink.


PV microgrid, grid modeling, microgrid, wind turbine, battery


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How to Cite

Khlifi, M.A., Alkassem, A. and Draou, A. 2022. Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Microgrid with Energy Management. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 3 (Jun. 2022), 8634–8639. DOI:


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