Investigation of Leakage Current Waveforms Recorded in a Coastal High Voltage Substation


  • D. Pylarinos Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Greece
  • K. Siderakis Electrical Engineering Department, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece
  • E. Pyrgioti Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Greece
  • E. Thalassinakis Islands Network Operations Department, Public Power Corporation, Greece
  • I. Vitellas Islands Network Operations Department, Public Power Corporation, Greece


Leakage current monitoring is a widely employed technique to monitor the performance of outdoor insulation. The evaluation of leakage current waveforms recorded in the field, offers significant information since insulation’s performance is strongly linked with local conditions, and the waveforms’ shape correlate to different types of surface activity. In this paper, an investigation of leakage current waveforms recorded in a 150 kV coastal Substations suffering which suffers intense marine pollution is presented. Investigation of the recorded waveforms verified the basic waveform shapes described in the literature. Further, several variations of the basic types and complex waveforms, as well as field related waveforms, are presented. The need for added categorization criteria in the case of field measurements is discussed.


field, insulator, leakage current, noise, waveform, monitoring, pollution,


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How to Cite

Pylarinos, D., Siderakis, K., Pyrgioti, E., Thalassinakis, E. and Vitellas, I. 2011. Investigation of Leakage Current Waveforms Recorded in a Coastal High Voltage Substation. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 1, 3 (Jun. 2011), 63–69. DOI:


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