The Effect of Different Curing Temperatures on the Properties of Geopolymer Reinforced with Micro Steel Fibers


  • M. S. Amouri Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • N. M. Fawzi Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 12 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 8029-8032 | February 2022 |


In this study, geopolymer mortar was designed in various experimental combinations employing 1% micro steel fibers and was subjected to different temperatures, according to the prior works of other researchers. The geopolymer mortar was developed using a variety of sustainable material proportions (fly ash and slag) to examine the influence of fibers on its strength. The fly ash weight percentage was 50%, 60%, and 70% by slag weight to study its effect on the geopolymer mortar's properties. The optimal ratio produced the most significant results when mixed at a 50:50 ratio of fly ash and slag with 1% micro steel fibers at curing temperature 240oC for 4 hours through two days. The compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar increased by 11%, 11.5%, and 14% after 3, 7, and 28 days when utilizing fibers. The result shows that fly ash with a ratio of 50% by weight of slag improved the compressive strength of the mixture. It was discovered that a combination with 50% of the weight of fly ash with micro steel fibers, when treated at 240oC for curing age of 3, 7, and 28 days, had a flexural resistance rate of 28%, 30%, 33% higher than a mixture without fibers.


sustainable material, geopolymer mortar, fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace, slag


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How to Cite

Amouri, M.S. and Fawzi, N.M. 2022. The Effect of Different Curing Temperatures on the Properties of Geopolymer Reinforced with Micro Steel Fibers. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 1 (Feb. 2022), 8029–8032. DOI:


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