Anti-Phishing Awareness Delivery Methods


  • A. Darem Computer Science Department, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 7944-7949 | December 2021 |


Phishing attacks are increasingly exploited by cybercriminals, they become more sophisticated and evade detection even by advanced technical countermeasures. With cybercriminals resorting to more sophisticated phishing techniques, strategies, and different channels such as social networks, phishing is becoming a hard problem to solve. Therefore, the main objective for any anti-phishing solution is to minimize phishing success and its consequences through complementary means to advanced technical countermeasures. Specifically, phishing threats cannot be controlled by technical controls alone, thus it is imperative to complement cybersecurity programs with cybersecurity awareness programs to successfully fight against phishing attacks. This paper provides a review of the delivery methods of cybersecurity training programs used to enhance personnel security awareness and behavior in terms of phishing threats. Although there are a wide variety of educational intervention methods against phishing, the differences between the cybersecurity awareness delivery methods are not always clear. To this end, we present a review of the most common methods of workforce cybersecurity training methods in order for them to be able to protect themselves from phishing threats.


phishing, anti-phishing awareness, phishing attack, awareness delivery methods, cybersecurity threats


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How to Cite

Darem, A. 2021. Anti-Phishing Awareness Delivery Methods. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 11, 6 (Dec. 2021), 7944–7949. DOI:


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