Surface Finish Comparison of Dry and Coolant Fluid High-Speed Milling of JIS SDK61 Mould Steel


  • T. H. Le Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi Vocational College of High Technology, Vietnam
  • V. B. Pham Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam
  • T. D. Hoang Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam
Volume: 12 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 8023-8028 | February 2022 |


This paper investigates the influence of dry high-speed milling on the surface quality of JIS SKD61 hard steel, compared to the conventional coolant fluid method. This research was conducted in a Super MC 500 high-speed CNC milling machine with a Hitachi coated carbide 20mm in diameter. High-speed cutting parameters such as cutting speed V, cutting depth t, and spindle speed S were considered as variants. The experiment was designed based on Taguchi's L9. Surface quality, including Ra and Rq, was measured using the Mitutoyo Surftest SV-210. A mathematical regression model was found for the average values of surface roughness through regression analysis for dry and coolant fluid conditions. The chosen high-speed milling parameters and the respective Ra and Rq values were obtained by ANOVA. The grey relation scores for wet and dry milling surface quality for cut depth, feed rate, and cutting speed were 0.7527, 0.7869, 0.6302, and 0.8167, 0.7199, 0.6040, respectively. The results showed that the feed rate had the greatest influence on the surface quality during the high-speed coolant milling of hardened steel, while the depth of the cut had the greatest influence on the surface quality during the high-speed dry milling process.


SKD61, FGRA, surface roughness, high-speed milling


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How to Cite

Le, T.H., Pham, V.B. and Hoang, T.D. 2022. Surface Finish Comparison of Dry and Coolant Fluid High-Speed Milling of JIS SDK61 Mould Steel. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 1 (Feb. 2022), 8023–8028. DOI:


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