Genetic Algorithm-Based Multi-Hop Routing to Improve the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks


  • A. Rajab College of Computer Science and Information Systems, Najran University, Saudi Arabia
Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 7770-7775 | December 2021 |


Wireless sensor networks are known for their monitoring and tracking application-specific operations. These operations diversely demand improvement in existing strategies and their parameters. One key parameter is energy usage during operations. Energy plays a vital role in each application, as the wireless sensor networks lack battery lifetime and energy resources. So, there is a need for an optimized and efficient routing method with regard to energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. For multi-hop routing, the genetic algorithm serves as a robust algorithm with diverse optimized routing plans to improve the lifespan for large-scale wireless sensor networks. In this paper, the genetic algorithm provides the optimized routes for data operations and improves the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by saving energy. The performance of the genetic algorithm is compared with the TEEN algorithm.


wireless sensor network, multi-hop, genetic algorithm, optimization, lifetime durability


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How to Cite

Rajab, A. 2021. Genetic Algorithm-Based Multi-Hop Routing to Improve the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 11, 6 (Dec. 2021), 7770–7775. DOI:


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