A Novel Fuzzy Logic Based Load Frequency Control for Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems


  • D. V. Doan Faculty of Control and Automation, Electric Power University, Vietnam
  • K. Nguyen Faculty of Control and Automation, Electric Power University, Vietnam
  • Q. V. Thai Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Volume: 11 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 7522-7529 | August 2021 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.4320


This study focuses on designing an effective intelligent control method to stabilize the net frequency against load variations in multi-control-area interconnected power systems. Conventional controllers (e.g. Integral, PI, and PID) achieve only poor control performance with high overshoots and long settling times. They could be replaced with intelligent regulators that can update controller parameters for better control quality. The control strategy is based on fuzzy logic, which is one of the most effective intelligent strategies and can be a perfect substitute for such conventional controllers when dealing with network frequency stability problems. This paper proposes a kind of fuzzy logic controller based on the PID principle with a 49-rule set suitable to completely solve the problem of load frequency control in a two-area thermal power system. Such a novel PID-like fuzzy logic controller with modified scaling factors can be applied in various practical scenarios of an interconnected power system, namely varying load change conditions, changing system parameters in the range of ±50%, and considering Governor Dead-Band (GDB) along with Generation Rate Constraint (GRC) nonlinearities and time delay. Through the simulation results implemented in Matlab/Simulink software, this study demonstrates the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed fuzzy logic controller over several counterparts in dealing with the load-frequency control of a practical interconnected power system considering the aforesaid conditions.


Load Frequency Control (LFC), Fuzzy-PID controller, PID controller, uncertainties, nonlinearities


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How to Cite

Doan, D.V., Nguyen, K. and Thai, Q.V. 2021. A Novel Fuzzy Logic Based Load Frequency Control for Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 11, 4 (Aug. 2021), 7522–7529. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.4320.


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