Performance Evaluation of RSA-based Secure Cloud Storage Protocol using OpenStack


  • M. F. Hyder Department of Software Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan
  • S. Tooba Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, NED University of Engineer and Technology, Pakistan
  • Waseemullah Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, NED University of Engineer and Technology, Pakistan
Volume: 11 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 7321-7325 | August 2021 |


In this paper, the implementation of the General Secure Cloud Storage Protocol is carried out and instantiated by a multiplicatively Homomorphic Encryption Scheme (HES). The protocol provides a system for secure storage of data over the cloud, thereby allowing the client to carry out the operational tasks on it efficiently. The work focuses on the execution of five major modules of the protocol. We also evaluate the performance of the protocol with respect to the computation cost of these modules on the basis of different security parameters and datasets by conducting a series of experiments. The cloud was built using OpenStack and the data were outsourced from the client’s system to the cloud to study the security features and performance metrics when adopting the cloud environment.


OpenStack, RSA, cloud computing, homomorphic encryption, privacy


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How to Cite

Hyder, M.F., Tooba, S. and Waseemullah, . 2021. Performance Evaluation of RSA-based Secure Cloud Storage Protocol using OpenStack. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 11, 4 (Aug. 2021), 7321–7325. DOI:


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