A Review of Battery Charging - Discharging Management Controller: A Proposed Conceptual Battery Storage Charging – Discharging Centralized Controller
Received: 3 May 2021 | Revised: 15 July 2021 | Accepted: 1 August 2021 | Online: 21 August 2021
Corresponding author: R. S. S. Singh
This paper describes the development of a centralized controller to charge or discharge the battery storages that are connected to renewable energy sources. The centralized controller is able to assist, control, and manage the battery storage charging when excessive power is available from renewable energy sources. At the same time, the centralized controller also performs battery storage discharging when the connected load requires a power source, especially when the renewable energy sources are unavailable. Background studies regarding battery storage charging-discharging are presented in the introduction section. Also, generally developed charging-discharging methods or techniques were applied at the system level and not specifically to the battery storage system level. Due to the limited study on battery storage system charging-discharging, this paper reviews some of the similar studies in order to understand the battery storage charging–discharging characteristics as well as to propose a new conceptual methodology for the proposed centralized controller. The battery storage State-of-Charge (SoC) is used as the criterion to develop the conceptual centralized controller, which is also used as a switching characteristic between charging or discharging when only the battery energy storages are supplying the output power to the connected load. Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on the conceptual methodology as well as explaining the functionality and operationality of the proposed centralized controller. A summarized comparison based on the studied charging–discharging systems with the proposed centralized controller is presented to indicate the validity of the proposed centralized controller.
management controller, centralized controller, battery charging/discharging, dynamic charging/discharging controllerDownloads
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