Prograph Based Analysis of Single Source Shortest Path Problem with Few Distinct Positive Lengths


  • B. Bhowmik Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, India
  • S. Nag Chowdhury Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, India


In this paper we propose an experimental study model S3P2 of a fast fully dynamic programming algorithm design technique in finite directed graphs with few distinct nonnegative real edge weights. The Bellman-Ford’s approach for shortest path problems has come out in various implementations. In this paper the approach once again is re-investigated with adjacency matrix selection in associate least running time. The model tests proposed algorithm against arbitrarily but positive valued weighted digraphs introducing notion of  Prograph that speeds up finding the shortest path over previous implementations. Our experiments have established abstract results with the intention that the proposed algorithm can consistently dominate other existing algorithms for Single Source Shortest Path Problems. A comparison study is also shown among Dijkstra’s algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, and our algorithm.


shortest path, negative weight cycle, weight matrix, variants, program-graph, SPL, dense network, scanned vertices, relaxation


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How to Cite

Bhowmik, B. and Nag Chowdhury, S. 2011. Prograph Based Analysis of Single Source Shortest Path Problem with Few Distinct Positive Lengths. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 1, 4 (Aug. 2011), 90–97. DOI:


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