Examinee Characteristics and their Impact on the Psychometric Properties of a Multiple Choice Test According to the Item Response Theory (IRT)


  • D. Almaleki Department of Evaluation, Measurement, and Research, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia


The aim of the current study is to provide improvement evaluation practices in the educational process. A multiple choice test was developed, which was based on content analysis and the test specification table covered some of the vocabulary of the applied statistics course. The test in its final form consisted of 18 items that were reviewed by specialists in the field of statistics to determine their validity. The results determine the relationship between individual responses and the student ability. Most thresholds span the negative section of the ability. Item information curves show that the items provide a good amount of information about a student with lower or moderate ability compared to a student with high ability. In terms of precision, most items were more convenient with lower ability students. The test characteristic curve was plotted according to the change in the characteristics of the examinees. The information obtained by female students appeared to be more than the information obtained by male students and the test provided more information about students who were not studying statistics in an earlier stage compared with students who did. This test clearly indicated that, based on the level of the statistics course, there should be a periodic review of the tests in line with the nature and level of the course materials in order to have a logical judgment about the level of the students’ progress at the level of their ability.


item response theory, item characteristics, multiple-choice, psychometric properties


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How to Cite

Almaleki, D. 2021. Examinee Characteristics and their Impact on the Psychometric Properties of a Multiple Choice Test According to the Item Response Theory (IRT). Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 11, 2 (Apr. 2021), 6889–6901. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.4056.


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