Reliability of Buried Pipes in Heterogeneous Soil Subjected to Seismic Loads


  • H. Benzeguir Department of Civil Engineering, University Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
  • S. M. Elachachi Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Bordeaux, France
  • D. Nedjar Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, Algeria
  • M. Bensafi Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, Algeria
Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 6708-6713 | February 2021 |


Dysfunctions and failures of buried pipe networks, like sewer networks, are studied in this paper from the point of view of structural reliability and heterogeneity of geotechnical conditions in the longitudinal direction. Combined soil spatial variability and Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) induce stresses and displacements. A model has been developed within the frame of geostatistics and a mechanical description of the soil–structure interaction of a set of buried pipes with connections resting on the soil by a two-parameter model (Pasternak model). Structural reliability analysis is performed considering two limit states: Serviceability Limit State (SLS), related to large "counter slope" in a given pipe, and Ultimate Limit State (ULS), corresponding to bending moment.


reliability index, soil-structure interaction, spatial variability, SLS, ULS, seismic action


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How to Cite

Benzeguir, H., Elachachi, S.M., Nedjar, D. and Bensafi, M. 2021. Reliability of Buried Pipes in Heterogeneous Soil Subjected to Seismic Loads. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 11, 1 (Feb. 2021), 6708–6713. DOI:


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