Design and Study of an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic-Based Controller for Wheeled Mobile Robots Implemented in the Leader-Follower Formation Approach


  • H. Medjoubi Department of Electronics, University of Batna 2, Algeria
  • A. Yassine Department of Electronics, University of Batna 2, Algeria
  • H. Abdelouahab Department of Electronics, University of Setif, Algeria


This paper presents a new design of an adaptive fuzzy logic control by implementing the leader-follower approach. The principle is to modify the feedback control of non-holonomic Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR) to be adaptive according to a fuzzy controller in the control loop, in order to adjust the feedback control gains according to the distance error between the reference path and the real position. The trajectory tracking control for a single WMR is extended to the formation control for two WMRs in which the first one is the leader and the second is the follower. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.


adaptive fuzzy control, feedback control, Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR), leader-follower formation, trajectory tracking control, non-holonomic


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How to Cite

Medjoubi, H., Yassine, A. and Abdelouahab, .H. 2021. Design and Study of an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic-Based Controller for Wheeled Mobile Robots Implemented in the Leader-Follower Formation Approach. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 11, 2 (Apr. 2021), 6935–6942. DOI:


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