Genetic Algorithm based Optimization of Uniform Circular Array


  • V. Kumar Department of ECE, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, India
  • S. K. Dhull Department of ECE, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, India
Volume: 10 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 6403-6409 | December 2020 |


Signal estimation at the antenna is a major challenge of the antenna array structure because the received signals have different directions. Therefore, in this paper, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to the uniform circular array for the optimization of array structure in regard to its geometry. On the optimized array structure, four different algorithms (Estimation of Signal Parameter via Rotational Invariance Technique – ESPRIT, First Order Forward Prediction - FOFP, Beamscan, and Multiple Signal Classification - MUSIC) have been implemented in order to estimate the signal direction accurately with quick estimation time. The accuracy has been calculated with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) indices. From the experimental analysis, it has been found that the performance of the ESPRIT algorithm is better than the others in terms of accuracy and estimation time.


computational complexity, FOFP, genetic algorithm, RMSE, uniform circular array


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How to Cite

Kumar, V. and Dhull, S.K. 2020. Genetic Algorithm based Optimization of Uniform Circular Array. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 6 (Dec. 2020), 6403–6409. DOI:


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