Investigation of the Influence of the Synthesized Iron-Carbide Mixture on the Adhesive and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites for Parts of Transport Machines


  • A. Buketov Department of Transport Technologies, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
  • O. Syzonenko Department of Pulse Processing Dispersed Systems, Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • D. Kruglyj Department of Innovative Technologies and Technical Means of Navigation, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
  • T. Cherniavska Department of Transport Technologies, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
  • E. Appazov Department of Innovative Technologies and Technical Means of Navigation, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
  • K. Klevtsov Department of Transport Technologies, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
Volume: 10 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 6214-6219 | October 2020 |


Epoxy-diane oligomer ED-20, hardener polyethylene polyamine, and micro dispersed particles of iron-carbide mixture synthesized by high-voltage electric discharge have been used for the formation of Composite Materials (CMs) and protective coatings for the transport industry. The dependence of the adhesive, physical, and mechanical properties and residual stresses of epoxy composites on the content of micro dispersed powders has been studied in this paper. It has been proved that for the formation of a composite material or protective coating with improved adhesion and cohesion properties, the optimal content of particles is 0.5 wt.% per 100 wt.% of epoxy oligomer ED-20. Such materials are characterized by increased mechanical strength and the ability to resist static and shock loads, as their properties are significantly increased. The obtained results of the experimental studies of the physical and mechanical properties of composite materials correlate with the studied results of adhesive characteristics, which indicate their veracity.


epoxy composite, modulus of elasticity, impact strength, flexural stresses


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How to Cite

Buketov, A., Syzonenko, O., Kruglyj, D., Cherniavska, T., Appazov, E. and Klevtsov, K. 2020. Investigation of the Influence of the Synthesized Iron-Carbide Mixture on the Adhesive and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites for Parts of Transport Machines . Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 5 (Oct. 2020), 6214–6219. DOI:


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