A Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Array for Millimeter Wave Applications


  • D. T. T. My Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Quy Nhon University, Vietnam
  • H. N. B. Phuong Quy Nhon University, Vietnam
  • T. T. Huong Huong Ban Mai Education Company Limited, Da Nang, Vietnam
  • B. T. M. Tu University of Da Nang, University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Volume: 10 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 6057-6061 | August 2020 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.3710


In this paper, a low-profile broadband antenna is proposed for future 5G millimeter-wave cellular wireless networks. The proposed antenna is a modified Magneto-Electric (ME) dipole, which consists of four metallic plates, grounded vias, an aperture fed, a ground plane, and a microstrip line feed. The antennas are built on RT/Duroid 5880 substrates and have been realized by the printed circuit board technique. A single-element with an overall of 10×10×1.04mm3 (~1.26λo×1.26λo×0.13λo at 38GHz) exhibits an impedance matching of 27.9% (32.2-42.8GHz) for |S11|<–10dB and a realized gain up to 7.5dBi over the frequency band. The usefulness of these antennas as beamforming radiators is demonstrated by a 1×4 element linear array. Also, a wide-band excitation is applied for the linear ME dipole array to realize a broadband array. The simulated results proved the proposed array can operate in a frequency band spreading from 31.4GHz to 42.1GHz with a gain of 12.5dBi and a side-lobe of -13dB


magneto-electric dipole, millimeter wave, beamforming, antenna array


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How to Cite

My, D.T.T., Phuong, H.N.B., Huong, T.T. and Tu, B.T.M. 2020. A Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Array for Millimeter Wave Applications. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 4 (Aug. 2020), 6057–6061. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.3710.


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