Α Modified EMD-ACWA Denoising Scheme using a Noise-only Model


  • I. Tellala LIS Laboratory, Department of Electronics, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, Algeria
  • N. Amardjia LIS Laboratory, Department of Electronics, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, Algeria https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7177-4260
  • A. Kesmia Department of Electronics, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, Algeria


This paper describes a modified denoising approach combining Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Adaptive Center-Weighted Average (ACWA) filter. The Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), resulting from the EMD decomposition of a noisy signal, are filtered by the ACWA filter, according to the noise level estimated in each IMF via a noise-only model. The noise levels of IMFs are estimated by the characteristics of fractional Gaussian noise through EMD. It is found that this model provides a better estimation of noise compared to the absolute median deviation of the signal used in the conventional method. The proposed EMD-ACWA scheme is tested on simulation and real data with different white Gaussian noise levels and the results are compared with those obtained by the conventional EMD-ACWA, EMD Interval Thresholding (EMD-IT) and wavelet methods. Test results show that the proposed approach has a superior performance over the other methods considered for comparison.


empirical mode decomposition, adaptive center weighted average, noise-only model, signal denoising


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How to Cite

Tellala, I., Amardjia, N. and Kesmia, A. 2020. Α Modified EMD-ACWA Denoising Scheme using a Noise-only Model. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 2 (Apr. 2020), 5470–5476. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.3406.


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