Identifying the Impact of Concrete Specimens Size and Shape on Compressive Strength: A Case Study of Mud Concrete


  • G. H. Galabada Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
  • M. Rajapaksha Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
  • F. R. Arooz Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
  • R. Halwatura Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Volume: 9 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 4667-4672 | October 2019 |


Mud is a versatile material with a prodigious interest for traditional wall construction such as wattle and daub or rammed earth, with and without reinforcements. Mud concrete has been identified as a unique modern material, though more research is required for generalization. Compressive strength, a measure of concrete quality usually depends on the specimen’s size and shape. Specimen’s size and shape for mud concrete is yet to be identified and established. Addressing this knowledge gap, this research aims at investigating the effect of specimen’s size and shape on the compressive strength of mud concrete. At first, the compressive strength’s variation was estimated by varying water content. Then, the water content was kept constant and the variations of compressive strength were estimated by varying specimen size and shape. Both experiments were conducted for different mixtures and percentages of cement. The initial results suggest that the compressive strength of mud concrete decreases with the increase of water content. The decrease indicated linear behavior with a constant gradient. Less influence on compressive strength was observed by considering specimen size, while the shape showed more contribution. The effect of specimen size and shape was increased with the increase of compressive strength.


mud concrete, compressive strength, specimen size and shape


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How to Cite

Galabada, G.H., Rajapaksha, M., Arooz, F.R. and Halwatura, R. 2019. Identifying the Impact of Concrete Specimens Size and Shape on Compressive Strength: A Case Study of Mud Concrete. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 9, 5 (Oct. 2019), 4667–4672. DOI:


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