Simulation of a Steel Wire Straightening Taking into Account Nonlinear Hardening of Material


  • I. Khromov Department of Technical Mechanics and Science of Machines, Sevastopol National Technical University, Ukraine
  • R. Kawalla Institute of Metal Forming, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Volume: 2 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 320-324 | December 2012 |


Straightening is used to ensure the straightness of a rod workpiece as well as to redistribute or reduce the residual stresses in a finished product. The accuracy of modeling the operation of this kind plays an important role when manufacturing high quality ropes and cables of a small diameter. The physical model of alternating wire bending in a straightener has been considered in the paper. Computer methodology has been developed to calculate deflected mode and internal bending moment in a cross section of a wire at the different stages of deformation, which allowed taking into account nonlinear hardening of the material.


elastic-plastic deformation, deflected mode, nonlinear hardening, straightener


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How to Cite

Khromov, I. and Kawalla, R. 2012. Simulation of a Steel Wire Straightening Taking into Account Nonlinear Hardening of Material. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 2, 6 (Dec. 2012), 320–324. DOI:


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