Limits of Number of Motes at Smart City Scenarios for LoRaWAN


  • M. Catak College of Engineering and Technology, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait
  • B. Celikkaya Baylan Measurement Instruments, Turkey


LoRaWAN is an emerging technology as a solution to IoT sensor networks. Since it is still in the evolvement stage, academic and industrial researches and applications have to be conducted in order to analyze its limitations and possible improvements. In this paper, the number of motes that could transmit data to a gateway within a 95% confidence interval has been studied under a number of scenarios. According to the results, the most significant parameter regarding the number of motes is the period of the downlink signal.


LoRa, LoRaWAN, spreading factor, channel limitations


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How to Cite

Catak, M. and Celikkaya, B. 2019. Limits of Number of Motes at Smart City Scenarios for LoRaWAN. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 9, 3 (Jun. 2019), 4116–4119. DOI:


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