Improving Translation Quality By Using Ensemble Approach


  • D. Chopra Department of Computer Science, Banasthali University, India
  • N. Joshi Department of Computer Science, Banasthali University, India
  • I. Mathur Department of Computer Science, Banasthali University, India
Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 3512-3514 | December 2018 |


Machine translation (MT) has been a topic of great research during the last sixty years, but, improving its quality is still considered an open problem. In the current paper, we will discuss improvements in MT quality by the use of the ensemble approach. We performed MT from English to Hindi using 6 MT different engines described in this paper. We found that the quality of MT is improved by using a combination of various approaches as compared to the simple baseline approach for performing MT from source to target text.


machine translation, named entity translation, natural language processing, source text rewriting


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How to Cite

Chopra, D., Joshi, N. and Mathur, I. 2018. Improving Translation Quality By Using Ensemble Approach. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 8, 6 (Dec. 2018), 3512–3514. DOI:


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