Using Wave Equation to Extract Digital Signal Features


  • A. Y. Al-Rawashdeh Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
  • Z. Al-Qadi Department of Computer Engineering, Al-Balqa Applied University, Amman, Jordan
Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 3153-3156 | August 2018 |


Voice signals are one of the most popular data types. They are used in various applications like security systems. In the current study a method based on wave equation was proposed, implemented and tested. This method was used for correct feature array generation. The feature array can be used as a key to identify the voice signal without any dependence on the voice signal type or size. Results indicated that the proposed method can produce a unique feature array for each voice signal. They also showed that the proposed method can be faster than other feature extraction methods.


wave signal, wave equation, feature array, voice parameters


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How to Cite

Al-Rawashdeh, A.Y. and Al-Qadi, Z. 2018. Using Wave Equation to Extract Digital Signal Features. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 8, 4 (Aug. 2018), 3153–3156. DOI:


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