On the Use of a 77 GHz Automotive Radar as a Microwave Rain Gauge


Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 2356-2360 | February 2018 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.1755


The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) defines the frequency band of 77 GHz (W-band) as the one dedicated to automatic cruise control long-range radars. A car can be thought as a moving integrated weather sensor since it can provide meteorological information exploiting the sensors installed on board. This work presents the preliminary analysis of how a 77 GHz mini radar can be used as a short range microwave rain gauge. After the discussion of the Mie scattering formulation applied to a microwave rain gauge working in the W-band, the proposal of a new Z-R equation to be used for correct rain estimation is given. Atmospheric attenuation and absorption are estimated taking into account the ITU-T recommendations. Functional requirements in adapting automatic cruise control long-range radar to a microwave rain gauge are analyzed. The technical specifications are determined in order to meet the functional requirements.


radar, microwave rain gauge, 77 GHz, W-band, Mie scattering, Z-R relation, weather radar, car as sensor


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How to Cite

Bertoldo, S., Lucianaz, C. and Allegretti, M. 2018. On the Use of a 77 GHz Automotive Radar as a Microwave Rain Gauge. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 8, 1 (Feb. 2018), 2356–2360. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.1755.


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