Seismic Performance Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dams with Penetrated Cracks Considering Fluid–Structure Interaction


  • A. Behshad Faculty of Industry and Mining, Yasouj University, Choram, Iran
  • M. R. Shekari Department of Civil Engineering, Estahban Higher Education Center, Estahban, Iran
Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 2546-2554 | February 2018 |


In this paper, a comprehensive study on the seismic behavior of fractured concrete gravity dams during ground shakings is carried out considering dam–reservoir interaction effects. To gain the seismic behavior of the whole system, finite and boundary elements are employed to model the liquid region and the cracked structure, respectively. Formulation and different computational aspects of the suggested staggered hybrid approach are thoroughly argued. A computer code was developed in order to discuss the presented hybrid BE–DE technique and comparisons are made between the obtained results and those reported in the literature. To gain this goal, several problems of seismic excitations in frequency- and time-domains are presented employing the proposed approach, showing that the present results agree well with the results from other numerical procedures. The cracked Koyna Dam is scrutinized, considering the dynamic interaction between dam and reservoir with focus on the nonlinear behavior due to its top profile crack. The developed numerical model is rigorously validated by extensive comparisons with available results in the literature in which the dam–reservoir interaction were simplified by added masses. It can be concluded that there is significant disparity between the overturning and sliding response schemes of the nonlinear analysis and those of added mass technique.


seismic behavior, concrete gravity dams, boundary elements, distinct elements, dam–reservoir interaction


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How to Cite

Behshad, A. and Shekari, M.R. 2018. Seismic Performance Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dams with Penetrated Cracks Considering Fluid–Structure Interaction. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 8, 1 (Feb. 2018), 2546–2554. DOI:


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