Detection of Spam Email by Combining Harmony Search Algorithm and Decision Tree


  • M. Z. Gashti Department of Computer Engineering, Payame Noor University, Iran


Spam emails is probable the main problem faced by most e-mail users. There are many features in spam email detection and some of these features have little effect on detection and cause skew detection and classification of spam email. Thus, Feature Selection (FS) is one of the key topics in spam email detection systems. With choosing the important and effective features in classification, its performance can be optimized. Selector features has the task of finding a subset of features to improve the accuracy of its predictions. In this paper, a hybrid of Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) and decision tree is used for selecting the best features and classification. The obtained results on Spam-base dataset show that the rate of recognition accuracy in the proposed model is 95.25% which is high in comparison with models such as SVM, NB, J48 and MLP. Also, the accuracy of the proposed model on the datasets of Ling-spam and PU1 is high in comparison with models such as NB, SVM and LR.


Spam Email, Harmony Search Algorithm, Decision Tree


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How to Cite

Gashti, M.Z. 2017. Detection of Spam Email by Combining Harmony Search Algorithm and Decision Tree. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 7, 3 (Jun. 2017), 1713–1718. DOI:


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