ETASR indexed in Scopus
ETASR was submitted for evaluation to Scopus in December 2021. We received feedback from them in February 2022 and their answer was that even though ETASR "fulfills the criteria for inclusion in Scopus", they object to us not showing the dates of submission, revision and acceptance for each paper and thus they want us to add these "to support the peer review procedure" and then resubmit for evaluation in "six month’s time.". So we implemented what was requested from us, and we resubmitted our journal for evaluation in September 2022.
Finally, ETASR has been accepted for indexing in Scopus on November 13, 2022. According to their acceptance email: "all recently accepted titles are listed separately in the Scopus Title list within 1 month after acceptance, see the second tab 'Accepted titles'. If you can't find your title there, please check the tab 'Scopus sources'. "