ETASR joined Crossref. DOIs assigned to all our articles
ETASR has now joined Crossref. Through our membership we are now able to assign DOIs to all our published articles. DOIs are autogenerated by our system and we have chosen the simplest possible form for them. Our assigned prefix is 10.48084 and our chosen suffix is consisted of our initials (etasr) followed by a dot and the article ID number. Each article's DOI is autogenerated the very first time its abstract page is viewed by someone. All generated DOIs are automatically registered in Crossref in regular intervals (1-2 days max). This means that it is possible that you may find a non-resolving DOI if you happen to be the very first person that views this paper after our Crossref registration and you decide to check this DOI immediately after viewing. This is part of normal procedure and it shouldn't worry you. Just wait a few hours and the DOI will be automatically registered.