Optimal Unit Commitment Problem Considering Stochastic Wind Energy Penetration
Wind energy has attracted much attention as a clean energy resource with low running cost over the last decade,. However, due to the unpredictable nature of wind speed, the Unit Commitment (UC) problem including wind power becomes more difficult. Therefore, engineers and researchers are required to seek reliable models and techniques to plan the operation of thermal units in presence of wind farms. This paper presents a new attempt to solve the stochastic UC including wind energy sources. In order to achieve this, the problem is modeled as a chance-constrained optimization problem. Then, a method based on the here-and-now strategy is used to convert the uncertain power balance constraint into a deterministic constraint. The obtained deterministic problem is modeled using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) on GAMS interface whereas the CEPLEX MIP solver is employed for its solution.
stochastic optimization, mixed-integer programming, unit commitment, wind energy sourcesDownloads
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