Processing used Aluminium Production Granular Filters to Produce Concrete


Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 19885-19890 | February 2025 |


This article presents the findings of experimental studies on the involvement in the processing of spent filters from ash and slag waste used in the refining of primary aluminum as a filler for concrete production. The processing of spent granular filters was conducted in three stages. The first stage involved the preliminary processing of filter grains to remove aluminum scrap. The second stage entailed the metallurgical processing of separated aluminum scrap through remelting in an induction crucible furnace and subsequent refining. The third stage focused on the production of a concrete mixture comprising crushed spent filter grains, quartz sand, bauxite sludge, screenings of crushed rocks with a fraction of 20 mm–30 mm, and Portland cement. This mixture was used to create samples of building products. The test results indicate that the tensile strength of the concrete samples for building products ranges from 20.89 MPa to 37.75 MPa, depending on the Portland cement content. This strength corresponds to that of heavy concrete.


metallurgy, aluminum, ecology, granular filters, recycling


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How to Cite

Bykov, P.O., Kuandykov, A.B., Kaliyeva, A.B. and Siemens, E. 2025. Processing used Aluminium Production Granular Filters to Produce Concrete. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 19885–19890. DOI:


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