Evaluation of Disaster Risk and Mitigation Strategies for Post-Disaster Permanent Housing in the Palu Koro Fault Area


  • Andi Asnudin Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
  • Amar Akbar Ali Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
  • Tutang Muhtar Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18941-18948 | December 2024 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.9165


The Palu Koro Fault in Sulawesi, Indonesia, an area with very high seismic activity, with a historical record of large earthquakes, including the devastating event on September 28, 2018. This earthquake, accompanied by a tsunami and liquefaction, caused significant damage to infrastructure and residential areas in Palu City, Donggala Regency, and Sigi Regency. A future similar event needs to be studied based on technical aspects related to disaster vulnerability criteria. The SNI 03-1733 (2004) establishes the disaster risk criteria in residential areas, such as landslides, floods, and earthquakes. BNPB has also created a disaster-prone map in Indonesia. However, studies on safe housing emerging from various disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, liquefaction, and other risks, specifically being in the path of planes or near high voltage currents, are still limited. This research aims to assess disaster risk in post-disaster permanent residential relocation using the AS/NZS ISO 31000 risk management framework, which includes vulnerability conditions, evaluation of technical aspects, disaster risk analysis, and development of recommendations, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data were analyzed using a scale-based method, with descriptive statistics to calculate frequency, averages, and percentage of the risk categories at each location. Qualitative analysis produces narratives regarding the impact of risks on community safety and residential infrastructure. The current study results show that high-risk factors, including earthquakes, floods, and landslides, require immediate mitigation. Additionally, immediate action should be taken for risks categorized as unacceptable, involving building strengthening, drainage system improvement, and soil stabilization, to reduce the risk of liquefaction. Concerning moderate risks, which belong to the undesirable category, they also require further treatment to minimize the impact of future disasters. The current study also emphasizes the importance of community survivors' participation in the relocation and disaster preparation process. This underlines the need for an integrated approach to disaster risk management to strengthen the resilience of communities and infrastructure in disaster-prone areas.


permanent housing relocation, disaster risk, AS/NZS ISO 31000, Palu, disaster vulnerability


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How to Cite

Asnudin, A., Ali, A.A. and Muhtar, T. 2024. Evaluation of Disaster Risk and Mitigation Strategies for Post-Disaster Permanent Housing in the Palu Koro Fault Area. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18941–18948. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.9165.


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