An Improved Laxity based Cost Efficient Task Scheduling Approach for Cloud-Fog Environment


  • Praveen Kumar Mishra Computer Application Department, Engineering College, Ajmer, BTU, Bikaner, India
  • Amit Kumar Chaturvedi Computer Application Department, Engineering College, Ajmer, BTU, Bikaner, India
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 19037-19044 | February 2025 |


Task scheduling is critical in fog computing, as it has to assign workloads to fog nodes to save costs and execution times. This study emphasizes the allocation of jobs received from clients to suitable nodes through a proposed scheduling technique, which is deployed on layer 2 servers within a cloud-fog environment. Laxity-based Cost-efficient Task Scheduling (LCTS) is proposed for contemporary task scheduling difficulties, such as balancing cost and delay with optimal energy utilization. The results show that the proposed strategy decreased execution time and cost more than Round Robin (RR) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). Furthermore, the proposed method was less expensive than cloud-based IoT solutions. Compared to GA and RR, the simulation results showed that cost and execution time were reduced by 6.99%-17.36% and 4.58%-9.09%, respectively.


execution time, cost, energy consumption, scheduling, fog computing


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How to Cite

Mishra, P.K. and Chaturvedi, A.K. 2025. An Improved Laxity based Cost Efficient Task Scheduling Approach for Cloud-Fog Environment. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 19037–19044. DOI:


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