Numerical Simulation of a Efficient Solar-Powered Ventilation System


  • Faouzi Nasri Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia
Volume: 13 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 11459-11465 | August 2023 |


The objective of this study is to conduct a numerical analysis of a small-scale solar ventilation-air conditioning system operating under the meteorological conditions of Bisha, Saudi Arabia. The primary objective of the proposed system is to provide sustainable and comfortable thermal conditions. To achieve this objective, the system recovers the heat wasted by the solar ventilation process and reuses it to power the desiccant dehumidification process. The solar chimney features a lateral (vertical) wall design, and a comparative performance investigation of two solar chimney designs (conventional vs original) is conducted. Mathematical models of the ventilated room and solar chimney are developed, and numerical simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of each solar chimney design. The study aims to assess the ability of each design to maintain indoor thermal comfort through the analysis of air distribution temperature and air streamlines. The results of the performance comparison revealed that the proposed solar chimney design outperformed the conventional design in terms of thermal and ventilation performance. The proposed solar chimney design, with its lateral (vertical) wall, was also found to be more effective in maintaining indoor thermal comfort than the conventional design. The simulations showed that the proposed design produced a more uniform air distribution temperature within the ventilated room, resulting in improved comfort levels. Additionally, the proposed design was found to have a more efficient airflow pattern, with fewer areas of stagnant airflow. These results suggest that the proposed solar ventilation-air conditioning system has the potential to provide sustainable and comfortable thermal conditions in small-scale buildings.


solar chimney, ventilation, mathematical modeling, numerical simulation


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How to Cite

Nasri, F. 2023. Numerical Simulation of a Efficient Solar-Powered Ventilation System. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 4 (Aug. 2023), 11459–11465. DOI:


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